Terance Has Thoughts (despite what you've heard)

Hi everyone, I’m Terance and I love talking about this RPG stuff. I also do art and try my best to brew stuff up that I think people would like.

I created this topic to post some art and share my ideas (and pick your brains for ways to improve them.)

So I’ll start with a substack post I recently did
(since Todd insists Blogger is gonna get shuttered any day :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hope you find something fun and useful and I’ll keep posting


Blogger may well outlive us all but you can’t put your trust in Google-- just look at their history!

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@Terance You should turn that list into a table! :grin:

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I’ll see what I can do. I don’t even know how many entries there are lol

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I’m not really doing Dungeon23 so I didn’t feel right posting it there but it did inspire me to work on an adventure which (as in most things with me) is slow going but a pleasant diversion.

Ultimately it’s kind of a gamified take on the whole cursed kingdom thing from Sleeping Beauty only the “kingdom” in question has also been hidden away, just outside of normal reality.

Getting to it however is only a matter of finding a ruined free standing doorway in the woods, something the local nearby villagers swear wasn’t there before. The portal is stable however and eventually weird creatures from the other side start finding it. Given enough enticement, be it curiosity, or fearful pleas from the locals your adventuring party will enter to find…

…A whole mist shrouded river valley, the Dreaming Demesne, with a fantastical castle surrounded by massive thorns in its center. (map still a WIP). From here things will start to get weird.

But I’ll talk more about that later on.

Those pictures are great!

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Here’s a goblin hireling/henchman if anyone needs it

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Saw that on Instagram-- like it! I’d hire him! :grin:

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A more complex one I did for the Basic Fantasy crew, I’m pretty proud of


VERY cool! Great work!

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This is EPIC!!! love it

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This is a great collection! Any thoughts on allowing folks to contribute and expand on it? Could be a start to a grand collection of known literature within the Expanded Hexedpress Multiverse.


That sounds like a fun idea. A communal collection of mix-and-match fake fantasy lit

I am ALL IN for that! :clap:

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little short fiction with a fantasy bent. :slight_smile:


Terance, this is brilliant! The Optomonger is such a a flavorful character


I’ve been randomly writing this up when I can’t sleep at night.
Imagine a modern DnD cartoon show? Some meta jokes and fantasy tropes.


I like the strangers you meet to be REALLY strange. I kinda wanna give him a write-up like I did this one.

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This is fun stuff! You should keep going with it. Maybe turn it into some lit rpg like I always see for sale on Amazon.


Got a new blogpost for ya’ll:)