Wilderness Adventuring Simplified by Hexed Press

It’s short and beta and currently free (or PWYW technically).

Running wilderness adventures can feel daunting but it doesn’t have to be a necessary evil only grudgingly endured to get to the next interesting thing in the campaign. From a game management standpoint, running a wilderness adventure does not differ much from running a dungeoncrawl and it offers opportunities to showcase the world that you’ve worked hard to build. Let’s break it down.

Comments and feedback welcome! I have more to add but I wanted to get this one so I pushed ahead with what I had, knowing I’ll build on it over time.

Version 0.85 Released! - Wilderness Adventuring Simplified by Hexed Press (itch.io)

Version 0.90 Released! - Wilderness Adventuring Simplified by Hexed Press (itch.io)