Midjourney Tips and Tricks Thread

A couple more pulls of the lever…

I’m definitely using that first one as the central panel of the Altarpiece when it comes up!

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I’m slowly uploading a semi-curated collection (they ain’t all gems) of my Midjourney art to DeviantArt.

MidJourney Prompt Inspiration by T. L. Ford

Those altar pics are AWESOME! Completely usable and evocative for some Kuo-toa shrine or something.
Next step - have multiple AI “jockeys?” Take a concept and parse it out how they like and generate a pool of images.
AI using images from people, to build images, guided by people to generate something that they respond to, then having multiple people’s influences over the new images…I’m well down the rabbit hole now

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Yeah, seeing if I can get Stable Diffusion up and running on my machine is on my to-do list. It’s probably beyond my laptop but I’m willing to give it a try! Maybe I can raise enough monies to finally get a reasonably powerful desktop PC to do some of this stuff with.