Microscope! Game on Discord

Hey all,

We’re going to be playing a game of Microscope on Discord! I will post the results of the various stages of the game here but the main play will take place over there so, if you’re interested in joining in, head over and join in! :grin:

No experience with the game is required, goodness knows I’ve got none! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We’re entering Step 4 (pages 15-16 in the rulebook) so it seemed like a good time to recap what we have so far:

Big Picture

The great flood begins!

History bookends


An asteroid hits the arctic ice shelf (dark).


The Lightbringers have come! (light).


  • YES to giant mutant sea-life.
  • YES to roaming gangs of irritating politicians asking for your votes.
  • YES to a MadMax/Waterworld aesthetic of reused/recycled everything.
  • YES to Floating cities made from scrap ships and flotsam.
  • NO to descriptions of gory violence and horrific gross things, like cannibalism or medical trauma.
  • NO to Cthulhu/established Mythos stuff.
  • NO to warp, no transporters, no “magical” alien tech.