Day 1
This was my Campaign Pitch, following a template I found at and serves as the only “deep” lore for the game as of right now:
The land now known simply as The Veil has always been a land apart. Encompassed by treacherous mountains, deep enchanted forests, and a furious sea; through these natural barriers and the unity of the dwarves and men of old, the realm prospered.
Then came the Sundering.
The Realm of Old is now but the foggy memory of only the most venerable elders. Little remains save the moldering ruins of a great aqueduct which reached from the peaks of the mountains nearly to the shores of the sea. Its splendor now but a looming stone shadows of the past. In the lowlands men, dwarves and more struggle on, though the lands are ever-shifting and magic and monsters bubble up from just below the surface.
Into this world you have awakened.
Exploration/Discovery, Rise from the Ashes, Sword-and-Sorcery, Medium Fantasy
Play Style
Mercenary adventurers, High Combat and Exploration, Dungeoncrawl, Hexcrawl
Battle-Brothers, Elden Ring, The Witcher
Player Buy In
You will be playing a group of adventurers/mercenaries making their way through the ruins of a once-prosperous kingdom. Whatever else your characters strive toward, wealth of material and knowledge awaits those brave and foolhardy enough to find it.
There is opportunity to search for answers regarding the World Before and what befell it, as well as to unite the remaining peoples of the Veil and reestablish civilization.
Additional Notes
While magic is not uncommon in the Vale, it is poorly understood and subject to much superstition. Mages are usually tolerated, but many people will keep their distance.
Less tolerated by some communities are anything seen as affiliated with the “Fair Folk.” This most often refers to those of Fey ancestry, including Elves. “Fey” and “Eldritch” are virtually synonymous in this world- the denizens of the Otherworld are as alien and potentially horrifying as those from the darkness between the stars