Lore24 - Terance's Thread

Trying to cut down on the length of these so I’m splitting this one up

Before We Begin… Dragons Pt 1


Before we further embark on a year long exploration of the world of Xerth I feel it is of the utmost importance to stress to you, dear reader, one crucial thing.

Dragons. Cannot. Be. Trusted.

Especially on the matter of their own origins.

Historically dragons have maintained that they were here first and nurtured intelligence in the primitive beasts; elevating the various species as a kindness that has ungratefully not been repaid.

This is a self aggrandizing lie and it always has been. Dragon’s true origins put them well behind the other intelligent life on Xerth chronologically because their existence is entirely dependent on other intelligent lives.

Dragons are purely magical beings and thus have a purely magical origin. They arise spontaneously from times of powerful or sustained emotional synchronicity in sapient cultures. When a population becomes oversaturated with an idea, trapped in a dire circumstance, consumed by an ideology, or overwhelmed with sweeping emotion, a dragon egg is suddenly formed, cuckoo-like, among the clutch of a nearby nesting creature.

In times of famine and deprivation, ravenous dragons are born; in times of poverty and exploitation, the dragons of greed are born; when there is large-scale warfare, tyrannical war-like dragons are hatched; and when there is great celebration the dragons of hedonism will be born. These are just a few examples of the kinds of dragon that can form. Each newly spawned wurm in all their multiplicity of form and powers are the localized spirit of the age in which they are created.

In short Dragons are expressions of mortal desires and dread given flesh.

In part 2 we will dive deeper into both the physiology and phycology of Dragons.

LORE24 Jan 5