Ghouls just want to have fun

This is a bit of a cross-over with my ongoing starter adventure creation. If we recall, the cultists that are the antagonists of the adventure had captured the daughter of the local ruling noble. My original thought was that she was out with a hunting party and the rest of her party were killed in action or died in other cells in the dungeon.

As I mused upon the ghoul, I thought that one of her party might have been fed to the ghoul. NOW I think that, drawing upon this new sort of ghoul, that not only had the ghoul eaten the poor unfortunate, it has now assumed its form!

Someone in one of the stream chats brought up the idea of having a magic blade stuck in the ghoul and I liked the idea— still do!— and now it becomes even more of a tool and tell than it was before as the ghoul will seem more normal as it won’t be outwardly undead-looking.